What is Lap Winding and Wave Winding

Admin@AKR Technical

The difference in lap winding, the number of brushes is equal to the number of parallel paths while the wave winding has only two brushes.

Revolving machine which has an essential part known as armature winding. This energy can result in energy conservation by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy as well as electrical energy into mechanical energy. Armature winding is classified into two types such as lap winding as well as wave winding. The main difference between these two is in the lap winding, one of the main differences is that in the lap winding, the last part of each coil is connected to the nearby sector, while the end of the armature coil in the wave has the winding away from the commutator. Is associated with the region. This article discusses the overview of the main differences between lap winding and wave winding.

Lap winding definition

Lap winding is a type of winding that has two layers, and is used in electric machines. Each coil in the machine is aligned in series with a nearby coil. lap winding mainly in Applications include low voltage as well as high current machines.

These windings are mainly connected to provide multiple parallel lanes for the armature current. For this cause, this type of winding is usually used in DC generators, and requires a some pairs of brushes and poles. In this type of winding, the end of the first coil is connected to the commutator section and placed under the same pole until the first end of the nearest coil is connected to each coil.

Wave Winding Definition

In wave winding, one end of the coil is attached to the beginning end of the second coil, which has the same polarity as the first coil. These coils are associated with wave forms and are thus called wave windings. The conductors of this winding are divided into two parallel lanes, and each lane had two conductors that are connected in series. The amount of brush is equal to 2, this is the number of parallel paths.

Difference between Lap Winding and Wave Winding

The difference between lap winding and wave winding mainly includes the definition of lap winding, the definition of wave winding, and the difference between lap winding and wave winding.

Lap Winding

Wave Winding

There is a connection to the lap winding, the armature coil end is connected to a nearby section on the commutator.


There is a connection for the wave winding, with the armature coil end connected to the commutator section at some distance.

Lap winding can be defined as a coil that can lap towards a successful coil.


Wave winding can be defined as the loop of the winding can form the signal size.

The number of parallel paths is equal to the total number of poles.


The parallel number of paths is equal to two.

Another name for lap winding is multiple winding, otherwise parallel winding


The series winding is another name for wave winding  , otherwise two-circuit

Lap winding has lower e.m.f.


E.m.f off wave winding is more

No. The lap is equal to the number of brushes in the winding. Of parallel paths.


No. Wave winding brush

The types of lap winding are simplex lap winding and duplex lap winding.


Types of wave winding are progressive and retrograde

Lap winding efficiency is low


The efficiency of wave winding is high

Additional coil equalizer ring used in lap winding


Additional coil dummy coils used in wave winding are

The winding cost of lap winding is high


Winding costs less in Wave Winding

Lap windings used for high current, low voltage machines.


Applications of wave winding include low current and high voltage machines.

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